然后,您将乘坐空调车前往开罗,车程约 3 小时,沿途风景如画,如果需要休息,还可停靠。
您的探索从参观位于开罗老城中心的埃及文明国家博物馆开始。这座博物馆拥有 50,000 件文物的宝库,讲述着埃及历史和文化的迷人故事。在这次启发性的体验之后,您将在当地餐厅享用正宗的美食。
冒险之旅继续享受游览埃及博物馆的乐趣,该博物馆展示了法老时期的文物。该博物馆展示了拥有 5000 年历史的稀有艺术品,被认为是世界上最大、最珍贵的埃及艺术品收藏。展出超过 250,000 件真品文物。
博物馆展示超过 250,000 件真品文物,
期间: 10个小时
类型: 私人旅游
跑步: 每天
接载时间: 您抵达后
每次接送均由私人空调车进行。 ,接送服务,进入所有提到的站点的费用。
附近的一家餐馆将提供午餐。 ,为您的旅程提供瓶装水。
This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022This tour is amazing, a I try the authentic Turkish food and it tastes yummy!!
Adams Daniel - September 21, 2022从标志性的金字塔和狮身人面像到 Sakkara 墓地,让自己沉浸在历史之中。享用当地美食并购买纪念品。从亚历山大到开罗的一日游您将永远不会忘记!
从标志性的金字塔和狮身人面像到 Sakkara 墓地,让自己沉浸在历史之中。享用当地美食并购买纪念品。从亚历山大到开罗的一日游您将永远不会忘记!
从标志性的金字塔和狮身人面像到 Sakkara 墓地,让自己沉浸在历史之中。享用当地美食并购买纪念品。从亚历山大到开罗的一日游您将永远不会忘记!