Tour alle piramidi, al Museo Egizio, al Bazar Khan Khalili

Totale $85.00

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intraprendi un viaggio indimenticabile attraverso il cuore di cairo con tour di piramidi del sole in un tour al tour . Inizia la tua avventura su Giza piramidi , dove ti troverai davanti al leggendario grande piramide di Khufu, The Majestic Sfinge e l'antico tempio della valle . Successivamente, immergiti nella ricca storia egiziana al il museo egiziano , sede di una vasta collezione di manufatti, tra cui mummie reali e tesori inestimabili di antiche dinastie. Infine, immergiti nell'atmosfera vibrante di Khan El Khalili Bazaar , dove puoi acquistare souvenir , merci artigianali e spezie egiziane tradizionali. Goditi una giornata piena di storia, cultura e avventura. Prenota il tuo tour oggi con Sun Piramidi Tours e sperimenta la magia del Cairo!

Punti salienti

  • Piramidi di Giza

  • La Grande Sfinge

  • Il Tempio della Valle

  • Museo Egizio

  • Bazar di Khan El Khalili


Itinerario del tour: tour alle piramidi, museo egizio, bazar Khan Khalili

Your Day Tour to the Pyramids, the Egyptian Museum, and Khan Khalili Bazaar begins with a pickup from your hotel in a private air-conditioned vehicle, accompanied by an expert tour guide. Start your journey in the morning by discovering one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Giza Pyramids.


Giza Pyramids Complex

The Giza Pyramids Complex includes the iconic Great Pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, built around 2600-2500 BCE. It also features the Great Sphinx and ancient cemeteries. These monumental tombs showcase ancient Egypt's engineering prowess and offer deep insights into its civilization.


The Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramid, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, is the largest and oldest of the three pyramids in the Giza Pyramids Complex. Built around 2580-2560 BCE, it stands at an impressive height of 481 feet (originally) and was the tallest man-made structure for over 3,800 years. This ancient wonder, constructed with over 2 million limestone blocks, showcases the remarkable engineering skills of the ancient Egyptians. It's a must-see for anyone visiting Egypt, offering a fascinating glimpse into the grandeur of the pharaohs' tombs.


The Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx, located in the Giza Pyramids Complex near Cairo, Egypt, is a colossal limestone statue with the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh, believed to represent Pharaoh Khafre. Carved around 2500 BCE, it is one of the world's largest and oldest statues, measuring 240 feet long and 66 feet high. The Sphinx is renowned for its enigmatic expression and its role in ancient Egyptian mythology. It's a must-visit landmark, offering a glimpse into the grandeur and mystery of ancient Egypt.


The Valley Temple

The Valley Temple, situated near the Great Sphinx in Giza, Egypt, dates back to around 2500 BCE. Built during the Old Kingdom, it served as a funerary complex and part of the mortuary temple of Pharaoh Khafre. Constructed from massive limestone blocks, it was used for the mummification process and religious rituals associated with royal burials. The Valley Temple is noted for its impressive architecture and is an essential site for understanding ancient Egyptian funerary practices.


The Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo, established in 1902, houses an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts spanning millennia of history. It boasts over 120,000 items, including stunning statues, jewelry, and papyrus scrolls. Notable exhibits feature relics from pharaonic dynasties, offering a captivating insight into Egypt's rich cultural heritage.


Khan El Khalili Bazaar

Khan El Khalili Bazaar, located in old Cairo, is a famous and bustling marketplace that dates back to the 14th century. It's a vibrant maze of narrow alleys filled with shops selling a wide variety of goods, from spices, jewelry, and textiles to traditional crafts and souvenirs. The bazaar is also home to historic coffeehouses and eateries, offering a taste of Egyptian culture and cuisine. Visiting Khan El Khalili provides an authentic experience of Cairo's rich heritage and lively market atmosphere.


Later you will be transferred to your hotel in Cairo or Giza.


Meals: Lunch.

Dettagli del tour

Durata: 8 ore

Tipo: Tour privato

Correre: Ogni giorno

Orario di ritiro: Dalle 07:30 alle 09:30

Cosa è incluso?

Tutti i trasferimenti con un veicolo privato con aria condizionata.

Prendi i servizi dal tuo hotel e ritorna.

Ingressi a tutti i siti menzionati.

Il pranzo sarà servito in un ristorante locale.

Acqua in bottiglia durante il viaggio.

Tour dello shopping al Cairo.

Tutte le tasse e i costi di servizio.

Guida turistica privata

Cosa è escluso?

Eventuali extra non menzionati nell'itinerario.


Biglietti per entrare nelle Piramidi


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